
Book chapters

Journal articles

Book reviews

Annotated Texts


Publications: Online

Publications: Miscellaneous

Conference Presentations

Guest Lectures

Please see my curriculum vitae for a complete list of publications and presentations.


2023 Author: Discomfited. Poems. Kingston, ON: The Agora.

2023 Co-translator: Clarividencia: Las voces de la poesía. Poemas escogidos en Español e Inglés / Second Sight: The Voices of Poetry. Selected Poetry in Spanish and English by Víctor Hugo
Fernández. San José, Costa Rica: World Graphics.

2021  Author, Visiting Dragon: Japan Remembered. Kingston, ON: Kokoro House.

2020  Editor, La Petite Histoire de ma Famille by Donat Pharand. Kingston, ON: Éditions Hanmer.

2020  Co-Editor (with David A. Weintraub), A Writing Life: Revisiting the Past by Stanley Weintraub. Greensboro, NC:

2016  Editor, Bernard Shaw on Religion. New York, NY: RosettaBooks (eBook).

2015  Editor, Lord Beaconsfield and Sir John A. Macdonald. A Political and Personal Parallel (1891), followed by Un parallèle: Lord Beaconsfield et Sir John Macdonald (1880). Montreal, QC, and Kingston, ON: Queen’s Policy Studies Series / McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2015.

2014  General Editor, Benjamin Disraeli Letters, Volume X: 1868. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2014.

2013  General Editor, Benjamin Disraeli Letters, Volume IX: 1865-1867. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2013.

2009  Editor, Bernard Shaw and His Publishers. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2009.

2001  Editor, The Greek Myths by Robert Graves. Manchester, UK: Carcanet Press, 2001.

2000  Author, Bernard Shaw and the French. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2000.

Selected Book Chapters

2017  “Shaw’s Salvation Trilogy: Man and Superman, John Bull’s Other Island and Major Barbara.” Bernard Shaw’s Marriages and Misalliances. Ed. Robert A. Gaines. Palgrave Macmillan.

2015  “Publishers and Publishing.” George Bernard Shaw in Context. Ed. Brad Kent. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2015: 175-182.

2003  “Greek Myths, White Goddess.” Graves and The Goddess: Essays on Robert Graves’s The White Goddess. Ed. Ian Firla and Grevel Lindop. London: Associated U Presses, 2003: 183-191.

Selected Journal Articles

2022  “Pygmalion in Paris,” SHAW 42.1 (2022): 11–32.

2019  “The Roycroft Fiend: Bernard Shaw v. Elbert Hubbard.” SHAW 39.2 (2019): 255–278.

2015  “Faces of Empire.” The Dorchester Review 5.1 (Spring/Summer 2015): 41-44.

2007  “Getting Published: Grant Richards and the Shaw Book.” SHAW 27 (2007): 69-86.

2007  “The American Dream in American History and Literature.” Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters of Kobe University [Kobe, Japan] 34 (March 2007): 47-84.

2006  “Poetic Mythography: The Genesis, Rationale and Reception of The Greek Myths.” Gravesiana: The Journal of the Robert Graves Society 3.1 (2006): 47-59.

2005  “Robert Graves and the ‘Post-Catastrophic Comedy’ of But It Still Goes On.” Journal of Hokkaido Bunkyo University [Eniwa, Japan] 6 (March 2005): 39-50.

Selected Book Reviews

2022  “Shaw the Fighter.” Bernard Shaw and the Censors: Fights and Failures, Stage and Screen by Bernard F. Dukore (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020). SHAW 42.2 (Dec 2022): 492–495.

2019  “Sir John Franklin’s Penelope.” Lady Franklin of Russell Square by Erika Behrisch Elce (Stonehouse Publishing, 2018). Queen’s Quarterly 126.1 (Spring 2019): 67–74.

2019  “The First of the Moderns.” Invictus: Selected Poems and Prose of W.E. Henley, ed. John Howlett (Sussex Academic Press, 2018). ELT 62.1 (2019): 124–127.

2018  “Human Creativity.” Modern Print Artefacts: Textual Materiality and Literary Value in British Print Culture, 1890–1930s by Patrick Collier (Edinburgh UP, 2017). ELT 61.4 (2018): 529–533.

2016  Correspondance George Bernard Shaw – Augustin Hamon. III – Le Bout du chemin (1926-1950) (Brest: Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, 2015), ed. Patrick Galliou. SHAW 36.2 (Dec 2016), forthcoming.

2015  “George Moore, Polymath.” George Moore: Influence and Collaboration, ed. Ann Heilmann and Mark Llewellyn (U of Delaware P, 2014). ELT 58.3 (2015): 428-431.

2014  “Appropriating the Bard.” Shakespeare’s Surrogates: Rewriting Renaissance Drama by Sonya Freeman Loftis (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013). SHAW 34 (2014): 214-216.

2013  “An Enchanted World.” Edward Thomas: Prose Writings: A Selected Edition. Vol. II: England and Wales, ed. Guy Cuthbertson and Lucy Newlyn (Oxford UP, 2011). ELT 56.1 (2013): 119-22.

2012  “Shaw and Militant Irish Socialism.” Shaw, Synge, Connolly, and Socialist Provocation by Nelson O’Ceallaigh Ritschel (UP of Florida, 2011). ELT 55.4 (2012): 522-525.

2010  “Shaw the Political Pragmatist.” Shaw’s Controversial Socialism by James Alexander (UP of Florida, 2009). ELT 53.3 (2010): 376-379.

Selected Annotated Texts

2012 “Shaw on the Jews.” SHAW 32 (2012): 16-30. Two Shaw letters.

2011 “Shaw on Reviewing.” SHAW 31 (2011): 4-8. Shaw essay.

2007 “Shaw on Architecture.” SHAW 27 (2007): 6-10. Shaw essay.

2004 “Shaw’s Sex Credo.” SHAW 24 (2004): 215-220. Shaw letter.

Selected Bibliographies

2020  “A Selected Bibliography of Writings by Stanley Weintraub Related to Bernard Shaw.” SHAW 40.1 (2020): 91–95.

2019  “A Selected Bibliography of Writings By and About Bernard Shaw Concerning Music.” SHAW 39.1 (2019): 111–127.

2014  “A Selected Bibliography of Writings by Bernard Shaw Concerning Health, the Medical Profession, and Related Topics.” SHAW 34 (2014): 176-185.

2013  “Bibliography.” Shaw and Feminisms: On Stage and Off. Ed. D. A. Hadfield and Jean Reynolds. Gainesville: UP of Florida, 2013: 211-224.

Publications: Online

2017  “A Glossary of The Great War.” The Great War 1914-1918, at

2012  “Benjamin Disraeli and Jewish Disabilities,” at the “Featured Stories” section of 19th Century Jewish Life, a website maintained by the Jewish Studies program, Eastern Michigan University, at

2010—  “International Shaw Society Newsletter” (published every December), at

2005—  “A Chronology of Works By and About Bernard Shaw” (updated regularly), at

Publications: Miscellaneous

2022  “Foreword.” Bernard Shaw and the Spanish-Speaking World, ed. Gustavo A. Rodríguez Martín (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022): vii–viii.

2015  “Disraeli: One letter at a time.” The Kingston Whig-Standard (26 March 2015): A5.

2014  “The Canadian Disraeli: When Sir John A. met Lord Beaconsfield.” National Post [Canada] (16 May 2014): A11. Reprinted (with additions) as “Sir John A.: ‘the Canadian Disraeli’.” The Kingston Whig-Standard [Canada] (6 June 2014): A6.

2007  “Foreword.” The Letters of Bernard Shaw to The Times, 1898-1950, ed. Ronald Ford (Irish Academic Press, 2007): ix.

2006  “Sin Respiración” (“Breathless”). The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown (Doubleday 2003). UBER Magazine [San José, Costa Rica], (September 2006): 10. (in Spanish translation)

1987  Myths and Mythologies: The myths of non-Western cultures based on selected mythologies from around the world (Penn State University, Department of Distance Education, 1987, rev. 1992). Instructional booklet for an undergraduate course.

Selected Conference Presentations

2019  “Mrs Warren Goes to France: Bridging the Cultural Divide.” Bridges Across Cultures: Fourth International Conference on the Arts and Humanities, Maiori, Italy, 26 June 2019.

2017  “The Breton Anarchist and the Irish Socialist: How Augustin Hamon Built Bernard Shaw a Bridge to France.” Bridges Across Cultures: Third International Conference on the Arts and Humanities, Centro Europeo di Studi Rossettiani, Vasto, Italy, 13 June 2017.

2015  “Shaw’s American Publishers,” Shaw in New York: The Manhattan Shaw Conference, Fordham University at Lincoln Center, New York City, NY, 18 October 2015.

2015  “Pygmalion in Paris.” Twelfth Annual Shaw Symposium, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON, 26 July 2015.

2015  “Disraeli’s Duality: ‘Christianity is completed Judaism’,” Bridges Across Cultures: Second International Conference on the Arts and Humanities, The International Studies Institute, Florence, Italy, 5 July 2015.

2011  “Deconstructing Disraeli: The Disraeli Project Archive,” Composition and Decomposition: British Association for Victorian Studies Conference, U of Birmingham, 1 September 2011.

2011  “Shaw and the Jews,” Shaw Without Borders / Shaw sans frontières: Fourth International Shaw Society Conference, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, 26 July 2011.

2009  “Mrs Warren Goes to France: The Politics of Translation,” Shaw and Politics: Shaw International Conference, Catholic U of America, Washington, D.C., 16 October 2009.

2006  “Bernard Shaw Studies in North America,” Bernard Shaw Society of Japan Fall Conference, Nagoya Gakuin University, Nagoya, Japan, 19 November 2006.

Guest Lectures

2016  “Perils of a Peripatetic Editor,” keynote address at the Thirteenth Annual Bernard Shaw Symposium, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON, 22 July 2016.

2015  “Discovering Benjamin Disraeli—One Letter at a Time,” the Cha Gheill Luncheon, Kingston Branch of the Queen’s University Alumni Association, Queen’s University, 27 April 2015.

2015  “Rediscovering Disraeli—One Letter at a Time,” The Many Lives of Benjamin Disraeli: Fame, Legacy, Representation (a symposium), University of Oxford, England, 24 March 2015. Podcast at

2011  “Dizzying: Editing the Letters of Benjamin Disraeli,” Probus Club, Kingston, ON, 9 Feb 2011.

2007  “Dizzying: Editing the Letters of Benjamin Disraeli,” Public Texts Colloquium, Department of English, Trent University, Peterborough, ON, 6 November 2007.

2005  “The American Dream in American History and Literature,” Department of English, Notre Dame Seishin University, Okayama, Japan, 24 June 2005.